The Magic of Believing

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Book Code: 1111030238996

Claude M. Bristol

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Claude M. Bristol's "The Magic Of Believing" stands as a timeless motivational classic. This book serves as an inspirational guide, urging individuals to shed their pessimism and cultivate a positive, action-oriented mindset to attain their goals. It has played a pivotal role in numerous success stories across personal, professional, marital, and social domains. With his direct and candid approach, Bristol encourages readers to harness the power of their subconscious to firmly persuade themselves that their desires are not only attainable but inevitable. He advocates minimizing obstructive and unnecessary thoughts. Bristol prompts readers to employ their imagination to explore pathways towards realizing their dreams while instilling unwavering faith in their abilities and potential. This unwavering belief, he asserts, can transform the seemingly impossible into a tangible reality, creating a touch of magic in one's life.


Claude M. Bristol (1891-1951) dedicated nearly four decades of his life to working as a newspaper reporter and editor. Following his service in World War One, Bristol passionately championed the cause of veterans. He firmly believed that veterans could enhance their prospects of success in civilian life by tapping into the potential of their own minds.



I. How I Came to Tap the Power of Belief .......................................7
II. Mind-Stuff Experiments ........................................................... 29
III. What the Subconscious Is ...................................................... 53
IV. Suggestion Is Power .............................................................. 61
V. The Art of Mental Pictures ..................................................... 88
VI. The Mirror Technique for Releasing the Subconscious ..........119
VII. How to Project Your Thoughts ......................................... 136
VIII. Women and the Science of Belief..................................... 167
IX. Belief Makes Things Happen ............................................. 200

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